In many epidimics and casuality situations blood in needed and the tragedy is that human blood can only be obtained from human. So to keep-up with demand we all must donate blood from time to time. In many sitution when blood is needed and not is available from the blood bank we have to look for a person with the same blood group. Difficulty in doing so is that most of the people in our surrounding doesn't know their blood groups. It is our effort to organise this activity by with the help of Rishikeshites.
Every Rishikeshite can do his bit by registering with, if you feels to make a difference in someone's life by donating precious fluid given to us by God free of cost and whose loss our body can compensate in few days.
This idea came to my mind when somebody close to me was suffering from dengue fever needed a five units of AB- blood and most the people I knew, didn't knew their blood group. It took hell of a effort to collect five units of AB- blood.
You can register here if your heart beats for the people in distress & join our mission.
If you are here it means you are in search of blood donar. We hope that you get a blood donar for required group, if you get donar we are succeeded in our effort.
Seach results are displayed in another window with address and contact no. Please contact the donar and thank him on our behalf. If you succeed in getting a donar, please drop a word at mentioning donar's details.
Many people you contact may not agree for blood donation as six months gap is needed between two consequtive donations. Don't get dishearten try with other people listed on the site. Donar's record avaiable with us is no way exhaustive , we are contineously updating our recordes and in due course of time list will become exhautive. You should also regiter yourself as a blood doner on this website.
Blood is the part of life that is given to those who need it by those who have the resource to satisfy the need. The love of fellow human and a desire to share something of oneself is what singles out a blood donor from the others. Emergencies occur every minute. For each patient requiring blood, it is an emergency and the patients could have set back if blood is not available.
Your blood donation may be even more special than you realize. A single donation from you can help one or more patients. This is possible because whole blood is made up of several useful components. These components perform special functions in your body and in the body of patients who receive your blood.
Various blood components are Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, Plasma and selected Plasma Proteins. Each of these components can be separated from your donated volume of blood and transfused into a specific patient requiring that particular component. Thus, many can benefit from one unit of blood. Every year India requires 40 million units of 250cc blood out of which only a meager 500,000 of blood units are available.
All blood types are needed. Common blood types are needed because there are many patients with them. Less common blood types are needed because there are fewer donors to give them. However, people with O- blood are particularly in demand because they are the "universal donor." It means that people of all blood types can receive O- blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. AB types are universal recipients. This relationship is reversed for plasma products. AB type plasma can be transfused to all patients, while O- types are the universal plasma recipients. Therefore, all types are really needed!